Category: Jurnal

Hakikat Digital Signature Perspektif KUHPdt

Electronic signatures (digital signatures) in the proof of the law of civil procedure have not been recognized as a portion of the value of proof a deed. Therefore needs to be analyzed from the...

Aplikasi Psikologi Hukum dalam Kompetensi Hak Asuh Anak

Contribution psycho-legal to child custody, generally more emphasis on custody of the mother, for consideration psychological, biological, and emotional intimacy inherent in the mother. While switching custody to the father if the mother can...

Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (Suatu Tinjauan Kriminologi)

Pendahuluan Keutuhan dan kerukunan rumah tangga yang bahagiah, aman, dan damai merupakan dambaan setiap orang dalam rumah tangga. Untuk mewujudkan keutuhan dan kerukunan  tersebut sangat tergantung pada setiap orang dalam lingkup rumah tangga, terutama...

Penggantian Antar Waktu Anggota DPRD

Abstract The decision (beschikkking) of legislative assembly recalling appointment is state administrative decision. It was given by governor as public officer in state administrative law. It was called as the decision or beschikking because...